Saturday, May 9, 2009

Don't save me, i'm not the one you should be looking out for.

Music, isn't it a beautiful thing? You can be so sad and upset, but the right music will just make you want to get up and dance. I think Nevershoutnever! does that best, but they aren't the only ones. I was just listening to Sing It Loud, and I'm in a considerably better mood, not that I was in a bad one before... but still. I think that this might be part of the reason I want to work in the Music Business, I want to always be around these postitive influences. Unlike most people, I do not want to be an artist though. I want to be some kind of manager, maybe I can be the one that all the bands love, that'd be great...but if not, just being around the music scene is enough for me. I can't believe that a year ago I was listening to all the Top-40 Pop Fluff, thankfully I have a much greater appreciation for the struggling artist. I think that some of the unknowns have the most beautiful music, too many of them just aren't given the chance.

I'm supposed to be going to the beach or the waterpark today, but I haven't received a call back from the friend whom I was supposed to go with. So I guess I'll entertain myself on the worldwide web. Last night was fun, I went to Emilys house. We went on stickam (which yes, I have one, find me if you can), and had some British guys hitting on us. I just hate how you can never know if you're really talking to a 16-year old from England, or a 43-year old creeper from Iowa. That's the one bad thing about the internet, you never know who you can trust. But I guess that every good thing is going to have its downfalls. But can't they come up with SOME way that you know who you're talking to? I bet the government is working on some top secret plan to do this, it would sure save lots of poor kids from falling into a predators trap.

The fridge is calling my name, till next time...


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the whole music thing.
    I love making and writing music.
    I'm also learning how to produce some things.
    It's pretty funn. My best friend is amazing ;)
    I love nevershoutnever! They're amazing live!!! :)

